Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, Social Compliance, Energy and Chemical Management Policy

Our Vision; ​​​​To be a world brand in textile sector.​​​​​

Denim is a product which became a common language all over the world and don’t accept status, limitation, non-discrimination. As Şirikçioğlu Mensucat in line with our vision ;

To achieve our unit targets with reviewing our quality targets continuously,

To contribute to the personal and professional training of our staff.

To give importance to health and safety of our employees.

To be a company which is working in accordance with local and international norms.

To product with prioritizing the respect for human and environment.

To be aware of social responsibilities and to contribute.

To follow the innovations.

To continuously improve our place in the market based on customer satisfaction.

To provide honest and quality products that are the assurance of continuity.

To improve the energy performance of the products, designs and services, new investments and existing production processes by increasing the sensitivity of all our stakeholders on energy efficiency, to comply with legal and other conditions and to provide all necessary information and resources in this direction.

Increasing awareness of hazardous chemicals with chemical risk controls in the supply and production chain, completely eliminating the use of hazardous chemicals, creating safe chemical lists and thus ensuring zero discharge of hazardous chemicals,